Saturday, March 9, 2013

YIF: Chapter 6 Review

How are the layouts of our bodies related to different animals'?

            Chapter 6 of Your Inner Fish by Neil Shubin is about the layout of the body. He talked about how all tetrapods have one head, four limbs, and a tail. This chapter mainly talks about how specifically a group of cells can become complex organisms such as humans or birds. It explains how the cells will first form a tunnel sort, with buds representing different parts of the body. This part seemed similar between different animal's embryos. He then talked about the next developing stages of the body and about different experiments that scientists did on embryos to fully understand why our body's layout is the way it is.

            The most interesting part of this chapter was that the same parts of the cell layer form the same body parts in every animal. That was very interesting to me because of the uniformity, even when species can be so different. It shows that we all had one ancestor. This chapter connected most to Big Idea #1 because it talked about evolution and the chapters information gives even more evidence to the theory that we all came from one common ancestor. All tetrapods sharing the physical characteristics of having 4 limbs, one head, and one tail is also a clue. 

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